4th year university live project. Winning scheme for design and delivery of a Youth shelter at Spa Fields, Clerkenwell, London. Parties involved included Islington Green Spaces, Local Youth Workers and the Spa Kids “Gang”. Funding was achieved through EC1 New Deal. The project was an exercise in participatory design and consultation of the local community with the children becoming the main design stimulators. This proposal was chosen along with a runner up to be constructed based on aesthetic, buildability and budget parameters. The project led to my participation on the ARCHITECTURE AND PARTICIPATION book by Peter Blundell Jones, Doina Petrescu, Jeremy Till. In Chapter 20 ZORO is presented as well as drawings, photos and a synopsis of our learning from it. At the 100% DESIGN EXHIBITION 2005 EARLS COURT (ZORO) scheme was exhibited as part of the London Architecture Biennale, Student Festival.
Photos by David Grandorge